Saturday, January 5, 2013

It's about time....

So. Finally. A real first post. It's about time, but until now, I wasn't sure exactly what I wanted to share. Not because I couldn't think of anything to write, but because I have too much to write about. I am a first time blogger. And I have so much I want to share with the world, but some of it I don't want the world to know who said it... And not just my words, but what's said to me by who and what it means. I really am not here to piss anyone off by telling the world what they said to me and how inconsiderate or fucked up it was.
So, maybe I should have used a pen name, but then I'd have to try to cover my identity by not being honest by default - lack of full disclosure. And you deserve that, if you are going to spend the time reading my rants and occasional epiphanies. And I'd have to cover up my real injury, and lets face it, isn't "internal decapitation" one of the things that got you here?

Maybe this post should tell you about the accident. Then again, you can also google my name or internal decapitation and find out a lot on your own.... But those aren't my words. None of them. There may be a quote here
and there, but no one really told the story from my eyes. And I don't think anyone's heard it this way yet. And maybe, I'll die before I finish telling you my story the way I want it told. But that won't be my problem, and I think writing this blog will solve many other problems that are very much mine, and really mine alone. Yes, I have family, and I am married, but the way I have been since that day is only my problem, and only I can fix it. I hope through writing in this manner, allowing comments and public viewing, writing with honesty and honor, telling my truth,explaining my experience in this way, I can handle the rest of what's waiting for me.

In my next post, I'll give you the basic facts -- the time period, the surgeries, what the doctors said, etc. after that, like I said, it's time to be honest with myself and others what reality really looks like.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I look forward to reading more of your story. I still want to hear about the accident. It's very brave of you to share this.

  2. Thanks, Angie!
    I hate to disappoint, but there won't be much about the cause of the injury, it is just not relevant to my current life and is something I've chosen not to dwell on.
    I hope you still keep reading and share if you find it appropriate! I definitely welcome and will try to answer any questions anyone has - I'm not shy, I'm pretty open about even the moments where there was loss of dignity...

  3. I understand! Yes, I will keep reading! I am not very computer literate and I forgot my sign in on my first account and had to create another account. So hopefully I can log in again to read more and comment. LOL I liked when you said that the accident made you less angry. That is very inspirational. your story could be a movie!
